Table of Contents

Episode Mining


The goal of episode mining is to find some patterns that are appearing in a sequence of events or symbols. The traditional problem called frequent episode mining consists of finding subsequences that appear many times in a sequence of events.

An example


Key papers

Key papers about frequent episode mining:

Key papers about episode rule mining:

Key papers about high utility episode mining:

Tutorial videos

Software and datasets

To apply episode mining, the SPMF software provides open-source efficient implementations of many algorithms and variations such as TKE, EMMA, MINEPI+, MINEPI, POERM etc. These algorithms can be used to find periodic patterns in a single sequence or multiple sequences. The SPMF software can be downloaded from the website: .

To install the software, you may follow the instructions on the download page of that website. Then, you may check the documentation page which provides examples of how to run various algorithms such as PFPM and MPFPS for periodic pattern mining. Besides, you may check the datasetspage of that website provides several benchmark datasets for testing the algorithms and comparing their performance.